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Hong Kong SAR, China, November 22, 2022 – The festiveholidayshopping season is already in full swing and FedEx Express(FedEx),a subsidiary of FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) and one of theworld’slargest express transportation companies, is going all-into helpshoppers and shippers spread seasonal joy at this specialtime ofthe year.
E-commerce continues to grow its share of retail spending.Accordingto FedExresearch, 80% of consumers in the Asia Pacific,MiddleEast and Africa (AMEA) region have increased theire-commercespending in the last three years and over 70% think itwillcontinue to grow in the next three years.[1] Thisyear,e-commerce events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday whichsignalthe final countdown to Christmas, continue to make adifference toconsumers. In fact, many would like even more onlineshoppingfestivals.[2] Tomake the most of the season, e-tailers arelooking to boost theireffectiveness and are innovating theirservices throughpersonalized customer offers such as online“shoppertainment” andnew payment options to attract visitors andclicks. Furthermore,87% of e-merchants seek additional support fromlogistics providersto support these seasonal events.[3]
“In AMEA, the gifting season continues in the months leading uptoChristmas through to Lunar New Year. Along with consumers’intentto do more online shopping during the festiveseason,2 e-tailers,especially small and medium-sizedbusinesses, are gearing up theirefforts to deliver the bestcustomer experience possible to staycompetitive,” said Kawal Preet,president of the Asia Pacific,Middle East and Africa (AMEA) atFedEx Express. “As delivery is acrucial part of customerexperience, we’re committed to providingbusinesses and shopperswith a wide range of easy-to-use solutionsto make holiday shippingas easy as possible.”